Monday, May 21, 2007

Not so Super Super SA

Do you know or even care where your super is invested? If you line in SA and are a state government employee then your answer will almost certainly be a big fat NO.

Why should you care where your super is invested? Well if you don’t care, then your super gets invested in companies who care more about profits than about people or our planet. Weapons, tobacco, prostitution, gambling, slave labour and pollution are all very profitable industries. If someone you did not know walked up to you and asked to borrow $5 so they could go and build a had grenade and sell it to a country in civil war, you’d probably say no. But you feel quite comfortable allowing your entire retirement investment to be invested by someone who you don’t know, who invests in companies who value profits more than human life and/or the entire world.

If you do start to care about where your super is invested, what can you do about it?

You can call up your super fund and ask if they have a SRI (Sustainable Responsible Investment) super option. If they have one you can ask to have your super switched over to their SRI option. If your super fund does not have a SRI option you can switch to a super fund that does have a SRI option.

What do you do if you work for a SA government department? There’s not much you can do actually. If you work for a SA government department then the compulsory employer contribution portion of your super goes directly to Super SA. Does Super SA have a SRI option? Unfortunately not. Can you switch to another super fund? Unfortunately not. If you are a Super SA member the your super will most probably be invested in companies and practices that you are ethically opposed to.

Did you know that Super SA is the only state government super fund in Australia not to offer a SRI option?

If you would like to sign a petition to request that Super SA offers a SRI option please go to

For more info on SRI go to

And yes the long term returns on SRI super options are generally quite good.

1 comment:

Val said...

How are we ever going to dispel this myth about man-made climate change & global warming? We even have a Federal Minister of Climate Change! It is embedded in our culture now. We are brainwashed into believing this nonsense & there is such intolerance of any dissention, that anyone who speaks against this trend is considered a heretic & is ostracized.
The climate has been changing for thousands of years (without the help of a Federal Minister). The earth has been both much hotter & much cooler than what it is now. These changes are influenced by the sun, that enormous, amazing force of intense magnetic fields - sun spots - Not CO2 produced by any of us. Far more CO2 is produced by the oceans, rotting leaves & animals, than the comparatively minute amount produced by humans & all our industrialisation.
The myth is perpetuated because there are so many environmental journalists plus a federal minister, whose livelihoods depend on promoting the theory. And so our labour government is jeopardising jobs for Australian workers, based on this myth of man induced Climate Change!
Wake up & look at the scientific evidence.
The earth’s temperature rose significantly in the first part of the 20th Century. It then cooled from 1940 to 1970’s, when man exploded atom bombs, & there was so much more industrial development. How do the facts fit with the assumptions of man-made global warming? They don’t.